Tuesday, March 29, 2016

You Are What You Think

For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he... Proverbs 23:7a

     I don't know about you, but a lot of times, I think things that I wouldn't want anyone else to know. I would be mortified if a week's worth of thoughts were published and broadcasted for other people to see. When I read this verse the other day, I was hit with a wave of conviction. I realized that God right here says that I am what I think. If I think bad thoughts about other people, I am a bad person. If I think rude or cruel things, I am rude or cruel. If I think rebelliously, I am rebellious. The world will say that humans are so beautiful, we have unique and precious hearts. God made us after His image and He thinks we are made wonderfully. However our natural hearts are disgusting.

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? Jeremiah 17:9

     We are only beautiful people when our hearts are beautiful. God can mold and change our hearts and desires as we yield to Him and get to know Him more. The less we care about the things God cares about, the uglier our hearts are. The less we conform to God's image, the more we conform to the world. The world has nothing lovely to offer, only through Christ can anything be made beautiful. The question here is, what do you choose to think? Who do you choose to yield to? I don't want to be an ugly person, so I can't think ugly thoughts. I don't want to be an unkind person, so I can't think unkind thoughts. To be generous, you must think generously. To be honest, you must think honestly. To be pure, you must think pure. You are what you think, so think carefully.

Stay excellent!

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