About Me

     I've always been bad at bios. I either say too much and come across extremely vain, or I say to little and defeat the purpose of a bio. Well, to sum it up I was corn-born in 1995 in Nowhere, Iowa. I was raised in a Christian household, and I have always done my best to abide by the standard of godly living the the Bible has clearly outlined. I am a junior at Dayspring Bible College and I work full time at the local church in the largest Christian preschool in the world. I am passionate about many things - reading, writing, music, but most importantly, telling as many people as I can about the gospel!
     I started this blog to bring attention to the things God is teaching me in my daily life as a young Christian in today's culture. We are constantly told that there is something wrong with being a Christian, and that's not true! There's no shame to be found in telling people about Jesus. I pray that everything you read here is encouraging to you and honoring to God. If you have any questions at all or have something specific you'd like me to write about, feel free to contact me at emilieanne1234@gmail.com. Thanks for taking the time to stop by my blog! :)

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