Thursday, March 17, 2016

Whose Business Is It Anyways?

     I heard a quote recently that said, "It's not your business to worry about your business. It's your business to worry about God's business, and His to worry about yours." So the word business is repeated like 100 times, but the point is really good. We need to be focusing on what God says to focus on, and give our own business to Him. So often we're obsessed with things that really don't matter. Someone looked at you the wrong way, you're not sure if you should wear that because people might look at you weird, your significant other is definitely NOT taking the hint, ect. I'm definitely a person who spends 80% of my day worrying about business that is 100% insignificant.
     So what exactly is "God's business?" What are the things we should be spending our time focusing on?

Set your affections on things above, not on things on earth. Colossians 3:1

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Matthew 6:33

So that thou incline thine ear to wisdom, and apply thine heart to understanding. Proverbs 2:2

     We need to have an eternal perspective on life. Our business is for the most part very fleshly and carnal, a giant waste of time. It's God's business that deserves our time and attention. We can't let our earthly affections rule what we say and do. We need to be seeking the wisdom of the Lord in everything we do. We aren't guaranteed forever, so we have to use each day wisely.
     Obviously this isn't easy because if it was, I wouldn't even write this. Focusing on God's business is something that requires diligence, it requires effort. It requires me waking up in the morning saying, "Okay God. My business is your business, now make Your business mine." It takes a commitment to give God the thoughts, feelings and intents of your heart and allowing Him to change them into what He wants them to be.
      So remember, it's not your business to worry about your business. You focus on God's business, and let Him handle yours.

Stay excellent!

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