Tuesday, March 15, 2016

My Critical Heart

     It's very easy for us to see faults in others while being blind to our own. I have recognized in my life lately that at times, I can be a very critical person. I read a quote by Dale Carnegie that says, "Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain - and most fools do. But it takes character and self-control to be understanding and forgiving." I mean, isn't that what we should be doing as Christians? Being understanding and forgiving? I am definitely guilty of being condescending, especially when a person says or does something I find wildly annoying. But really, most of the times I get annoyed, it's for a totally pathetic reason. People are going to be critical, it's just part of being human. I'm sure someone is going to read this and have loads of negative criticism. But I know as a person who is seeking after the Lord, that's definitely something I need to be avoiding. So here are some things that have been helping me to get rid of my critical heart!

1. Remember Jesus died for them too.

Seriously, I get that hearing her talk 24/7 can get really old. I'm usually the person talking all the time, and most of the time I don't realize it. People can really get on our nerves, it's kind of human nature. But Satan wants to use that to make us really critical. He HATES unity among believers, so any way he can get you irritated with your brothers or sisters in Christ, he's going to try. The next time that person really annoys you, remember Jesus died for them too. We don't really get the right to be annoyed or critical, because really we don't even deserve to be living. God says that we are ALL sinners, we are all destitute without Him and His blood. So if we're honest, we don't really have anything on anyone else. The only person who gets to be critical is God, yet He chooses to see the good in us. Therefore it's only fair that we see good in other people too.

2. Imagine the times you were in their position.

As stated before, usually I'm the person who doesn't stop talking. I don't do it on purpose, I just have so much to say so much of the time. A lot of times, when people are irritating us, they don't even know it. I know I've gotten on people's nerves before, and chances are you probably have too. Next time you're super critical of someone for something they're doing/saying/wearing, imagine all the times you've probably been in their position. It's really awful to be on the other end of people's criticisms and I know that it requires a lot of self control to keep the condescending thoughts away. But we can do it as long as we remember who we are compared to who God is.

3. Would Jesus appreciate your thoughts?

We all know Philippians 4:8, and that should be our filter for everything we think, say and feel. Are your critical thoughts true, honest, just, pure, lovely, or of good report? Chances are, probably not. Every time you want to feel or think or even say critical or rude things about another person, try praying instead. Ask God to help you see that person through His eyes instead of your own. It's a slap of humility that can really change your thinking.

     I wish I could say that I've mastered the art of having a totally understanding and forgiving heart, but it's something I have to work on every day. I pray that these things that helped me will help you too. As always, thanks for reading!

Stay excellent!

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