Thursday, March 31, 2016

The Romanticism of Sin

     I realized lately how much our society romantisizes sin and makes it seem really attractive. Hebrews 11:24-25 say, "By faith Moses, when he was come to years, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter; Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season;" It says right there that sin seems pleasurable, but only for a season. The world does a really great job of promoting sin, of making it seem fun, cool, modern. The more sin rules your life, the more relevant and cool you are, the more you're making the most of your time on earth.
     Let's be honest, the term YOLO is way overused and absolutely annoying. It's sequined on the legs of teenage girl's sweatpants, it's the key word of a bunch of songs, it's what people shout as they do something else spontaneous and probably stupid. As much as people like to throw the phrase around, many people live as if they only live once. But we do have a life after this, we are accountable for the things we do on earth. We get the freedom to choose how we will spend our time here on earth, whether we have 70 years left, or 70 seconds. Why would we follow the world's plea to "live it up" when we have the option to obey and honor God, and be blessed eternally for it?
     The Bible says that our lives are a vapor. We are here for a moment, but then we are gone. Sin seems fun, it seems pleasurable. But afterwards, we are left miserable, wondering why our hearts feel so empty and our lives seem so unfulfilled. A life not lived for Christ isn't a live that I want to live. If we know the world will make sin seem cool, we have to be prepared. Billboards, magazines, social media sites, commercials, even t.v. shows and movies, scream that living in sin is okay! Really people, just live the way you want! Life is short and then we all die! Just because sin is promoted as good, doesn't mean it is. Instead of desiring to participate in the world's definition of fun, remember the promises God has given to us if we resist satan and the pressures of this world.

     Be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Romans 12:2

     If there's no difference between you and an unsaved person of the world, then there's a problem. I write a lot of posts about our thought lives, but that's because it's really important that we have thoughts different from those of the world. We can't be patterned to the ways of the world, we can't promote what the world promotes, we can't think what the world thinks, and we can't desire what the world desires. The next time the world romanticizes sin, remember that we are in the world but not of it.

Stay excellent!

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