Monday, April 13, 2015

What is Your Anchor?

    Anchors seem to be a pretty popular symbol in today's society. They are seen all over the place, including my own blog. My question to you today is, what is your anchor? An anchor is a heavy object attatched to a rope and is used to moor a vessel to the sea bottom. An anchor is something that keeps you grounded, that holds you down, that keeps your feet on the ground when it feels like everything else in the world is being sucked up. 
   Basically, an anchor is what you depend on - your constant. Maybe it's your boyfriend or girlfriend, or maybe it's your family. Maybe it's your best friend or maybe it's your job. But the thing is, these anchors aren't always positive. Sometimes something negative could be holding you down, keeping you grounded when what you need to do is float away into the current and let God steer the ship. Maybe then your anchor is fear, worry, grief, insecurity, judgemental feelings, bitterness, inability to forgive, and the list goes on and on. There are a plethora of things that could be weighing you down, keeping you anchored when what you really need to do is sail.
    Hebrews 6:19 says, "Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which entereth into that within the viel."  In the context here of Hebrews 6, the author is writing a warning to discouraged believers. He is urging them to continue in their spiritual strength and stature. In verse 19, they are given a reminder that the GOSPEL should be their anchor. The hope that we have in Jesus Christ, our eternal salvation, that's what anchors us down, keeps us grounded, reminds us who we are when everything around us seems to be so confusing. 
    One author puts it like this, "We are in this world as a ship at sea, liable to be tossed up and down, and in danger of being cast away. Our souls are the vessels. The comforts, expectations, graces, and happiness of our souls are the precious cargo with which these vessels are loaded. Heaven is the harbour to which we sail. The temptations, persecutions, and afflictions that we encounter, are the winds and waves that threaten our shipwreck." We need to be CONSTANTLY anchoring our souls in our hope found in Jesus Christ. It's not necessarily a bad thing to depend on your significant other or your family or best friend or whatever the case may be, but remember that the CONSTNANT anchor for your soul is JESUS. The GOSPEL. The HOPE that can be found in who we are in Christ.
Life's roughest storms prove the strength of our anchors. So I ask you again, what is yours?

Stay excellent! 

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