Saturday, January 2, 2016

Goals for 2016

    Ah, it's that time of year. Everyone is posting what their New Year's resolutions are, really determined to actually see them through until January 2017. People everywhere are resolved to finally shed off that extra ten pounds this year, and really crack down on that healthy eating. All of it lasts for a solid month or two before we're all back to our old ways of life, deciding that maybe we can lose the extra weight next year. I decided to make some goals for this next year and really pray that I can make them permanent changes to my life. Growing closer to God is obviously the aim in everything I do, and it's something I should resolve to do each day of my life. Here are some specific things I would like to make a point to work on through this next year.

1. Be nicer to people.

I can be super rude sometimes, I'm ashamed to admit. Sometimes my first judgements of people can be harsh and cruel. I examine things from my own perspective and often forget to "walk in another person's shoes." I definitely want to work on being kinder to people, both the way I think of them and the way I talk to or about them. The Bible has a lot to say about kindness and I know it's a big step in showing God's love to other people.

2. Go out of my way to help others.

Sometimes it's so easy to walk away when someone could use my help. If there's some trash on the floor clear on the other side of the hallway, it's my tendency to just keep walking. Someone down the hall has an armload and I sometimes I reluctantly hold the door open when I should be happy to do it. I want to work on going out of my way to do little things that make a difference eternally. I want to be LOOKING for ways to help. People don't have to notice every little thing we do, but we should be going out of our way to do good for other people. God notices it all. Look at things through the scope of eternity. God blesses busy hands, whether that's emptying a full trash can at work or helping an elderly lady put away her groceries. I pray that God will give me the heart and desire to look for more ways to lend a helping hand.

3. Avoid the "bad mood" mindset.

I don't know about the rest of you, but at the end of a long work day, sometimes I get hit with a really bad mood. When that happens, I am super negative and I extend very little grace to people. Quite obviously, this is not a godly attitude nor is it one that encourages others. I pray that I can be more cognizant of how my moods are affecting my testimony. When we're in a bad mood, we could say one small thing to someone that could altar the way they think of us from then on. Honestly, we really don't have any excuse for a bad mood. Nowhere in the Bible does it excuse sin when we've had a rough day. Those are times when we can really show the light of Jesus by getting through it with kindness and smile. I know that's something that I definitely want to work on in this next year.

4. Be a better listener.

I like to talk. Anyone who knows me knows that. I could probably talk faster than an auctioneer on double speed. To my shame, there are times when I get so caught up with my talking that I forget to listen. I know that being a good listener is a vital part of being a godly friend. A person must have ears sensitive to the Holy Spirit, and it's hard to hear that soft whisper when my own voice goes right over it. To be teachable one must have ears to hear. One of my favourite verses is 1 Thess. 4:11-12, and it talks about "studying to be quiet." Listening has never been a skill I've been talented in, but it's something I know I most definitely want to work on.

5. Don't take any moment for granted.

None of us know when our last breath will be. There was someone from my church who died last year in his early 30's of a heart attack. Nobody saw it coming and we were all completely shocked. We are not immortal nor are we untouchable. Each day, each hour, each minute we have is a gift from God that needs to be used to the fullest for His honor and glory. Our lives belong to God, we can't just allow Him to have His way when we're in a convenient location. It doesn't matter if we're at church, work, Walmart or on family vacation in Florida, we need to cherish every moment and do as much for God as we can. We are given life to further the gospel, not to further our own fame, fashion or success. It's easy to get caught up in the love and luster of life, but it's all about the cross and what Jesus did to make us free. I want to make every moment I have count for eternal value because I am not guaranteed my next breath.

     I pray that throughout this year I will be able to really work on these things and grow closer to the Lord. I'm so excited to see all that He's going to do in my life and in the lives of those around me as we learn and grow more and more. I hope all of you reading this have a very happy new year!

Stay excellent!

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