Thursday, December 31, 2015

What I Learned in 2015

     It's crazy to think this year is already at it's end. In some ways, I feel like it flew by. In other ways, it drug on slower than a turtle running a marathon. I finished spring semester of freshman year, spent a month home for summer and then went back to school to work, and now fall semester of sophomore year is at it's close. Of course lots of crazy things have happened in between! Needless to say, God has taught me so many things in the last 12 months. Some lessons I definitely didn't want to learn, but they were so important in my life. So here are just a few things that I've been able to learn in the year 2015!

1. I definitely don't know it all.

This is not easy to admit, that's for sure. It's fun to think I know everything, that I know what's going on all of the time. But as God has shown me time and time again, I don't know hardly anything, and that's a good thing. Trusting Him becomes a lot easier when that's the only choice you have. A lot of times I would be frustrated because I didn't understand how God would work things out, but He is all knowing and all powerful. It's not my job to have everything figured out because the person who created me already does.

2. "Have you prayed about it as much as you talk about it?"

I've heard this quote a lot of times, but it still holds really true. Sometimes when problems arose, the first thing I wanted to do was text my best friend or rant to my roommate. But the more different situations happened in my life, the more I realized how much I NEEDED God. Yes,  talking to council and godly friends is really important, but we can see so many times in the Psalms, David first cried out to God. There were times when going to God was the only option, but that was the best option. I started to go to Him when little things happened or when there were things I didn't understand, and it was amazing how much God was able to work in those situations. He wants us to go to Him right away, and cast our burdens on Him. A lot of times, I would pray and talk to God about it right away, and it was easy to just let it go after that. I pray that I will be able to continue working on my prayer life in the next year because it's amazing how much power prayer has.

3. Being alone doesn't mean you have to be lonely.

Sometimes I had to chill by myself in my dorm room, or I would be surrounded by people but so solitude in my thoughts. Just because God has brought you to a place where it's just you and Him one on one, it does not mean that you're exiled into perpetual loneliness. God brought many people to a place of solitude to have them learn - Moses, David, and Job for example. It's not a curse to be single or alone for awhile, it's actually  a blessing. God can do a lot with a person when they allow Him to have their full attention and full heart. I'm thankful for the times I was alone because I got to accomplish a lot, not only in doing things like school or piano, but because those are times when I can talk to my best friend and get to know Him through His word.

4. Sometimes nobody will understand you, and it's okay.

We all go through our own personal struggles and battles. God allows us to go through things because He knows we can conquer them with Him on our side. We are going to have times when people won't understand what we're going through or what we're thinking. We have to go through seasons, we have to be chiseled to grow. Someone I really admire told me a few months ago that I will look back on this season of life and be thankful for all it taught me, but I have to stand strong through it. I really kept that in mind. Hardship and struggles don't last for forever. Heartbreak will cease and trials will end. It's the unchanging word of God and the unchanging character of God that you can rely on. Friends and family aren't always going to understand exactly what you're going through, but we have a creator and best friend who knows our hearts better than we do.

5. Be thankful.

I heard a sermon many months back, and I wrote in my Bible, "Don't forget to thank God for the small, everyday miracles." I started writing something I was thankful for everyday in a little journal. It really opened my eyes to all that God does for me every day. Throughout the day I would keep my eyes open for things I could write in the journal. Whether it's a hug from an adorable preschooler, an encouraging text from a best friend, or the reflection of a beautiful sunset in the pond, there are always things to be thankful for. Praising God is a big part of our Christian walk, and I know that even now I don't do that enough. Making a point to write what I'm thankful for every day showed me on a very small level how much God does for me and how good He is. In the next year that's definitely something I want to keep doing because it made a huge difference in my life.

Of course God has taught me so much more, but those were a few of the big ones. I'm so grateful that He allowed me to live another year to learn and do more for Him. I'm excited about all the things that He has done in my life and in the lives of those around me, and I can't wait to see how much more He will do in the next year. My year verse for 2015 was 1 Cor. 2:9, "As it is written, eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither enter into the heart of man, the things that God has prepared for those that love Him." Staying faithful and giving my full heart to the Lord is something I have to work on on a daily basis, but I know that there is no other way to live than to live for Him.Thanks for everyone who have stayed faithful to reading my posts. I have such a passion for writing and I pray that God will be able to use it someday in a big way, but you have been a blessing in my life by supporting something I genuinely love to do. I hope you all have a VERY HAPPY NEW YEARS!
Stay excellent!

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Merry Christmas!

     Happy Christmas Eve all! I am so amazed that it's already December 24th...this year flew by. I don't know about you, but I definitely think it's the most wonderful time of the year. I listen to Christmas music year round with absolutely NO SHAME. Well, this is just a cliche reminder to remember why we celebrate Christmas. We all love the presents, fudge, family time, and carols, but it's so important to remember that we celebrate because Jesus was born to die. He came humbly as a little, vulnerable baby when He deserved to break through the clouds with light and anthem. He showed us the true heart of a servant. He had one reason to come and that was to show US the reason to live - for Him. We have daily access to the GREATEST gift of all, salvation. I don't know about you but that's definitely better than anything we can wrap and put under the tree. 
Wishing all you friends and family have a merry & bright holiday. 

Stay excellent!

Enjoy these goofy photos of the lovely ladies in my family ;)