Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Bread for Beggars

     "Christianity is one beggar telling another beggar where to find bread." I love this quote because it truly brings into perspective the fact that we too used to be lost. We were all homeless, stranded, starving, and desperately trying to find a safe place. We find a solution to our problems when we find God. I have been to Chicago to pass out tracts a few times over the last year, and I always make a point to give a tract and talk to every beggar I see. A lot of them are sitting there asking for money, but I let them know that I'm giving them something that will last a lot longer than money will - the message of eternal hope.

     The Great Commission is so often confused, becoming the Great Suggestion. That's such a fatal flaw in our Christian culture. "Go therefore and preach the gospel" isn't a recommendation, it's a commandment. We have the bread to feed this starving nation yet we keep it to ourselves. It takes 1 minute to share the gospel that could affect someone's eternity, so why are we so hesitant?

     So many people pray for opportunities. The thing is, God constantly gives us opportunities, so instead we should be praying that God would give us courage. There are lots of things that you can do to help this starving world find bread. For example, that cashier at Walmart? Give them a tract. Ask them if they're 100% sure they're going to Heaven. What about the person behind you in the long, morning Starbucks line? We are surrounded by people who are eternally homeless. They might not be on a Chicago street corner with a cardboard sign and a McDonald's cup full of loose change, but they're desperately in need of something that will change their life.

     When we treat the Great Commission like it's the Great Suggestion, we are allowing others to go starving while we have the solution. We were beggars once too, although someone may have shared with us how to find bread earlier in our life so we didn't have to starve for as long. Instead of being scared to share the gospel with others, look at it the way that God sees it. All that we do on this earth is for nothing if it isn't for the glory of God. Sure, you can have the best clothes or hair or make up. You can have the most updated phone or electronics, and maybe you have the world's best boyfriend/girlfriend. But in the end, the things that we do for the Lord are the things that are going to matter. Take 10 seconds out of your day to hand a tract to the lady at the grocery store, or even just praying for that one family member you know isn't saved. God desires for us to be ambassadors for Him, therefore it requires some effort on our part. Are you willing to help the beggars find bread?

Stay excellent!