Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Why God Deserves More Than Leftovers

     I'm no hater of left overs. I love to pull out the last of the spaghetti from last night's dinner, throw some cheese on it and eat it for tonight's dinner. Or that cold pizza for breakfast? I'm a huge fan. But there are times when left overs just aren't appropriate. It would be a huge deal if the president of the United States showed up at our house for dinner - we wouldn't pull out the various containers in our fridge and throw them together to feed the honored guest. We would go out of our way to serve him the best of the best. It's the same thing with God. Although we don't serve the Lord a steaming meal on a dining room table, we do serve Him every day with our hearts and minds. Are we giving Him the left overs, what we haven't used at the end of the day? Or are we going out of our way to give Him a feast, something He is worthy of?
     God wants us to daily crucify ourselves, and surrender to Him. For I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live, yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith. (Galatians 2:20) It's clear that we need check ourselves each day to be sure that we are not following our flesh. After we are saved, we will always be saved, our salvation is not in question, but our fellowship with the Lord is dependent on our desire to walk in His word and desire to know Him more. If we are giving Him only the left overs of our minds at the end of the day, how are we going to truly have a sustaining relationship with Him? In a relationship, communication is required. If a husband doesn't want a really unhappy wife, he will listen to her. We have a Creator whose ears never get tired; there will never be a moment where He doesn't want to hear from us.
     It's so important to be on "talking terms" with Jesus throughout each and every day. We are so blessed to have access to Him 24/7, so why don't we utilize that? He wants to hear from us, and have that personal relationship. We shouldn't be giving other things more attention and love than we give God. When we only give Him the left over time before our head hits the pillow, what are we conveying about our priorities? Are other people and things more important to us than He is? One source said it like this, "...some people treat God like the Salvation Army is to many people. After we can't sell or give away our used merchandise then we truck it to the Salvation Army. God really shouldn't be an after thought, but rather we should give Him our best time, money and talents. What can we give to offer respect and thanks to God?" God is the most precious thing in my life, and I know that I want to give him more than just my left overs. His mercies are new and fresh every morning, and He has given me His word for my daily nourishment. He deserves from me a submissive heart desiring to know Him and understand Him. He wants me to develop an adoration and a desire to constantly be in fellowship with Him. 
     This is something God has really been working on in my life - making it my number one priority to make HIM my number one priority. So that's my challenge for you today. Will you give God the best of all that you have, or will you only serve Him the left overs?
                                                                                    Stay excellent!

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