Friday, October 30, 2015

Complete in God

"The only one who can truly satisfy the human heart is the one who made it - Jesus."
     I was reading a book the other day and it was talking about dating, but it brought up a really good point. It said that any person who does not understand that they are complete in Jesus is susceptible to idolatry. That really got me thinking. A lot of people look for a significant other to complete them, but we can only compliment them, not complete them. When a person finds something or someone to complete them that isn't the Lord God, they are placing that person or thing into a spot that only God Himself should be in. Therefore, if we're honest with ourselves, we have made idols.
    The Bible says so many times that we are to love the Lord with all our might, soul and strength. He should consume us, everything we do should be to honor Him and maximize the glory of the cross. Whether we're at Walmart buying groceries or talking to a preschool parent we see everyday, our thoughts, intents and actions should all be pleasing the Lord. When we allow other things to be our source of satisfaction or completion, we are consciously left desperate for more, whether we know it or not. It's a thirst that can't be satisfied by anything the world has to offer.
     My favourite chapter of the Bible, Psalm 139, talks a lot about how God sees us. He knows every word on our tongue, He is everywhere that we are no matter where we go, He compasses our path, and He thinks more wonderful thoughts of us than there are grains of sand. He desperately loves us and has even before we were brought into this world. Why are we allowing other things to complete us when we have a creator who deserves our full attention?
     Psalm 62:1-2 says, Truly my soul waiteth upon God: from him cometh my salvation. He only is my rock and my salvation; he is my defence, I shall not be greatly moved. One source describes this sort of rock as a permanent place of refuge, a symbol of faith. We must be permanently finding refuge and satisfaction in the Lord, He is truly our only source of completion.
     It's so important that we look to God to complete and satisfy us - don't allow people or things to become idols by taking that place of Him. He deserves our complete attention and adoration, and it's our privilege to get to spend our lives fully and deeply satisfied by the One who created us.

Stay excellent!