Tuesday, March 8, 2016

The Sacredness of Heartbreak

     Chances are, if you're a human and have had any sort of contact with any other human being, you've experienced heartbreak. When we experience moments of heartbreak, it's easy to feel alone. Stuck on an island of solitide, feeling as though the pain is unbearable. Studies done by multiple scientists show that emotional pain, hearbreak, can cause an actual physical pain. It is actually proven that a person can die of a broken heart, given the pain of the emotional stress is so heavy on the heart that it literally cannot continue beating. Seeing as though I've only been alive for 20 years and a few months on this earth, I haven't experienced anything too truamatic. However, like most people, I know what it feels like to feel alone, scared, stuck as though you were quarenteed from the rest of the world. In times like these, we must remember one thing - we are not alone. Jesus was betrayed, abandoned and rejected. Therefore, we get to know God and understand Him more when we are experiencing times of hurt deeper than human words could express.

 Having our hearts broken gives us a glimpse of the character of God. 

     How often we humans break God's heart, we leave our first love, we have idols in our hearts, and we forget His goodness and His blessings in our life. There is no person on this earth who will be able to understand what you're feeling 100% of the time, but God can. If anyone knows heartbreak best, it's Jesus Christ. He loved the people of Israel as much as a husband loves his wife. (Jeremiah 31:32) Being forgotten and replaced time and time again by these people He loved so much must have given him incomprehensible heartbreak. He sacrificed for them, He gave them so many chances, yet they still chose to take advantage of His blessings and despise Him when things weren't going their way. We must be careful not to do that in our lives.
     It's sacred to share the pain of heartbreak with Jesus. When He hung on the cross, He experienced true hell on earth because He felt what it's like to be without God the Father. How much His heart must of broke when He slowly died on that tree for us, knowing He did nothing to deserve it. We could never endure a pain more painful than what He must have felt. That is an extremely humbling yet encouraging thought. We can never doubt God's love for us, He loved us enough to sacrifice His perfect Son. As Stephanie Rische writes,
 "When you feel like your heart is broken beyond repair, remember that nothing about this place is ordinary. You are uniquely poised, at this very moment, to share an intimate part of God's character. It's the place of the broken heart, and it's a sacred ground."

Stay excellent!

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