Monday, April 27, 2015

How 4 Year Olds Changed My View On Life

     Okay, so here's one of the cutest stories out there. I was in class the other day when this little boy comes up to me and says, "Miss're soooo pretty. I am so glad God made you." (I had to write this down so I remembered it just like he said it. It was too cute for words.) I replied, "Well I'm so glad God made you too!" He says quizically, "Wait...who's that guy up in the sky who makes people?" I assured him it was God and he says, "Yeah...that's what I thought."
     How this tiny, little human knew exactly what I needed to hear that day, that's something I may never know. But I have been blessed beyond compare to have the honor of spending around 35 hours of each week with the best things that could've ever happened to me! 18 ridiculous, screaming, sometimes out of control (most times), adorable, sweet, and loving 4 year old preschoolers. They have taught me so much about life in the 9 months I've got to spend being with them! Here are the top 6 ways these kids have changed my views on life.

     1. There is no such thing as a bad day.

Kids will cry when they scrape their knee or throw tantrums when they don't get their way...but it never lasts very long. Sometimes they come in to preschool crying because they want to stay with their parents, but the minute they see their friends playing, they forget about their worries. That's the thing about kids...they don't have "bad" days. Things don't bother them from 7am to bedtime. They get hurt, someone steals their toy, they have to have a time out...but then life goes back to normal. They go right back to laughing and smiling and playing. I have learned not to let miniscule and stupid things ruin my entire day. There are so many reasons to smile!

     2. Every moment can be a fun moment.

Whether it's cleaning up toys, waiting in line or working on cutting papers, children can always find a way to have fun. They don't let many "boring" moments pass by. Kids utilize every chance they get to play a game or make believe they're doing something super fun. I think adults need to stop being "bored" with life. There is something enjoyable in each and every moment and experience. Savor it.

     3. Dandilions can be roses, as long as you're not picky.

Kids want to make people smile. They love when I grab their dandilion bouquet as if it's the most beautiful bouquet of flowers I've ever recieved. I have learned that in life you can't always be so judgemental. God sometimes gives us such amazing things that don't always appear that way. Kids don't know the difference between dandilions and roses, they see flowers. I have learned to stop searching for the potential good or bad in every little thing but accept that sometimes it's okay to see the beauty in ordinary things. Whether it's a weed or or a beautiful spring bouquet, both can bring a smile. 

     4. Show love.

We live in a culture that's kind of powered by bitterness and rudeness. There could literally be pumps of fuel for the human that say, "Make sure your tank is full of attitude today!" It's just kind of the way we're wired now-a-days. I'm speaking to the choir here, I know I'm definitely guilty of it. But these kids come in and they run up to me, and give me a hug...and it changes my day. I love knowing that they're excited to see me. There's this little girl who told me the other day, "Miss Emilie...I love you so much. You are a super, ultra good girl." I laughed so hard, but I was also so honored. Kids know how to compliment and let you know you matter to them! We should be showing that to others, too.

     5. Apperances aren't the most important thing in the world.

All of these kids play together each and every day. They're all different shapes and sizes, with different skin colors and ethnicities. None of those things matter to them. They can wear polka dotted pants with a striped shirt in two completely different colour pallets but it doesn't matter to them. They have fun with each other, they don't know how to judge. We need to stop looking at people with the intent to scrutinize everything. Everyone has things that are amazing about them, and if kids can find those things in each other, I think we can too.

     6. Jesus LOVES His little children.

Nothing melts my heart more than hearing kids sing Jesus Loves Me or ABC Jesus Loves Me while they're playing on the courtyard or working on their papers. They know at such a young age that they have a Jesus who loves them. I asked this one boy the other day, "Does Jesus love you when you're good?" He says, "Yeah!" I say, "Does Jesus love you when you're bad?" He says, "Yeah...but He doesn't love my badness." We too often forget that we are so loved beyond human comprehension. If they are throughout the day singing of Jesus' love for them, why is it so easy for us to forget that He loves US too? WE are His little children. It's our reason for living, to testify His love to others, and His free gift! That's the most important thing that a child can know... that they're loved by GOD. And these kids know that not only does Miss Emilie love them, but Jesus does more than anything in the world.

So there ya have it! I will say again that I am so thankful that God has provided me this incredible chance to work at a Christian preschool where I get to be a light in kids' life each and every day. I am so honored that God allowed me to be a part of such an AWESOME ministry and I can not wait to see what the next 3 years will hold as I continue working there throughout college. I hope these little lessons I have been taught will remind you of some important child-like views on life that have really allowed me to grow in my walk with the Lord as I live to serve Him. 
Stay excellent!

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