Monday, April 27, 2015

How 4 Year Olds Changed My View On Life

     Okay, so here's one of the cutest stories out there. I was in class the other day when this little boy comes up to me and says, "Miss're soooo pretty. I am so glad God made you." (I had to write this down so I remembered it just like he said it. It was too cute for words.) I replied, "Well I'm so glad God made you too!" He says quizically, "Wait...who's that guy up in the sky who makes people?" I assured him it was God and he says, "Yeah...that's what I thought."
     How this tiny, little human knew exactly what I needed to hear that day, that's something I may never know. But I have been blessed beyond compare to have the honor of spending around 35 hours of each week with the best things that could've ever happened to me! 18 ridiculous, screaming, sometimes out of control (most times), adorable, sweet, and loving 4 year old preschoolers. They have taught me so much about life in the 9 months I've got to spend being with them! Here are the top 6 ways these kids have changed my views on life.

     1. There is no such thing as a bad day.

Kids will cry when they scrape their knee or throw tantrums when they don't get their way...but it never lasts very long. Sometimes they come in to preschool crying because they want to stay with their parents, but the minute they see their friends playing, they forget about their worries. That's the thing about kids...they don't have "bad" days. Things don't bother them from 7am to bedtime. They get hurt, someone steals their toy, they have to have a time out...but then life goes back to normal. They go right back to laughing and smiling and playing. I have learned not to let miniscule and stupid things ruin my entire day. There are so many reasons to smile!

     2. Every moment can be a fun moment.

Whether it's cleaning up toys, waiting in line or working on cutting papers, children can always find a way to have fun. They don't let many "boring" moments pass by. Kids utilize every chance they get to play a game or make believe they're doing something super fun. I think adults need to stop being "bored" with life. There is something enjoyable in each and every moment and experience. Savor it.

     3. Dandilions can be roses, as long as you're not picky.

Kids want to make people smile. They love when I grab their dandilion bouquet as if it's the most beautiful bouquet of flowers I've ever recieved. I have learned that in life you can't always be so judgemental. God sometimes gives us such amazing things that don't always appear that way. Kids don't know the difference between dandilions and roses, they see flowers. I have learned to stop searching for the potential good or bad in every little thing but accept that sometimes it's okay to see the beauty in ordinary things. Whether it's a weed or or a beautiful spring bouquet, both can bring a smile. 

     4. Show love.

We live in a culture that's kind of powered by bitterness and rudeness. There could literally be pumps of fuel for the human that say, "Make sure your tank is full of attitude today!" It's just kind of the way we're wired now-a-days. I'm speaking to the choir here, I know I'm definitely guilty of it. But these kids come in and they run up to me, and give me a hug...and it changes my day. I love knowing that they're excited to see me. There's this little girl who told me the other day, "Miss Emilie...I love you so much. You are a super, ultra good girl." I laughed so hard, but I was also so honored. Kids know how to compliment and let you know you matter to them! We should be showing that to others, too.

     5. Apperances aren't the most important thing in the world.

All of these kids play together each and every day. They're all different shapes and sizes, with different skin colors and ethnicities. None of those things matter to them. They can wear polka dotted pants with a striped shirt in two completely different colour pallets but it doesn't matter to them. They have fun with each other, they don't know how to judge. We need to stop looking at people with the intent to scrutinize everything. Everyone has things that are amazing about them, and if kids can find those things in each other, I think we can too.

     6. Jesus LOVES His little children.

Nothing melts my heart more than hearing kids sing Jesus Loves Me or ABC Jesus Loves Me while they're playing on the courtyard or working on their papers. They know at such a young age that they have a Jesus who loves them. I asked this one boy the other day, "Does Jesus love you when you're good?" He says, "Yeah!" I say, "Does Jesus love you when you're bad?" He says, "Yeah...but He doesn't love my badness." We too often forget that we are so loved beyond human comprehension. If they are throughout the day singing of Jesus' love for them, why is it so easy for us to forget that He loves US too? WE are His little children. It's our reason for living, to testify His love to others, and His free gift! That's the most important thing that a child can know... that they're loved by GOD. And these kids know that not only does Miss Emilie love them, but Jesus does more than anything in the world.

So there ya have it! I will say again that I am so thankful that God has provided me this incredible chance to work at a Christian preschool where I get to be a light in kids' life each and every day. I am so honored that God allowed me to be a part of such an AWESOME ministry and I can not wait to see what the next 3 years will hold as I continue working there throughout college. I hope these little lessons I have been taught will remind you of some important child-like views on life that have really allowed me to grow in my walk with the Lord as I live to serve Him. 
Stay excellent!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

What I Learned My Freshman Year of College (W/ GUEST BLOGGER!)

Hello all! Today I thought it'd be fun to share with you some of what I learned my freshman year here at Dayspring Bible College. With me I have my dear friend Katie who blogs at I highly reccomend checking out her blog! You won't be dissapointed.

I have two weeks left of my first year in college, and words can't begin to express all that I have experienced and done so far. I never imagined God using me and teaching me in so many different areas. I work around 36 hours a week at the Christian preschool which is part of the church that founded Dayspring. I am honored to be a part of this incredible school and ministry. So without further ado, here are 10 things I learned my freshman year.

1. Make sure God is your absolute FIRST priority. 
Have quiet time with Him daily. God wants us to be daily in the word and in prayer with Him. This is the reason we are alive. Don’t put Him on the back burner. He has time for little old me 24/7 and has given me the PRIVILEGE of having 24/7 access to Him. Take advantage of the accessibility of our Creator who longs to have a relationship with you!

When you don’t sleep enough, it’s really simple. You get grouchy. It’s just the way that it is. Working with kids every single day can wear a person down, especially when the class has 5 extra rowdy 4 year old boys who want to get outside and run but can’t because there’s 6 inches of Chicago snow layering the ground. Being emotionally and physically tired can really tear you down over time. You can’t serve God 100% effectively when only half your mind is in it. I can’t stress the importance of this enough.

3. Treat others how you want to be treated.
Especially in the dorm. Yep, 5 people in one bathroom is kinda hard and 3 people in one room is interesting. Having to learn to share space is rough. 16 girls shoving food into 1 fridge is nearly impossible. But it works a lot better when everyone works together. We all want to be shown love, kindness and respect. So show it too! Someone spilled apple juice in the common room and didn't clean it up? Grab a paper towel and wipe it down. Don't fret about little things. In a dorm with a dozen and a half girls, drama will probably happen. Don't give ear to rumors, and let your light shine!

4. Remind your family every chance you get that you love them.
Because I hardly get to see them, I want them to always know they're on my mind. When I lived at home, I got used to knowing my parents and siblings were always there. I didn’t really have to think about not having them, it was just a fact that I would get to see them every night. Being away from my family for months at a time reminded me just how much I need them in my life. When hard things happen, it’s tough to have to call my mom when all I want to do is sit down with a cup of coffee and have her tell me what to do. Part of being an adult is learning how to decision make on your own, and learning this lesson has been really good, but it’s difficult. Remind your family every moment you can that they’re important to you. States can’t separate the love that God has put inside of a family.

5. Manage your time WISELY. 
Don't underestimate the power of lists. This also means try not to spend a lot of time watching movies. Food Network has a piece of my heart, but God, homework, and friends take priority. Manage your time to allow room for school, work and fun. We aren’t guaranteed our next breath so DO NOT waste your time. Have your time with God, do your homework, involve yourself in ministry and volunteering, and make time for the things you’re passionate about.

6. Take a deep breath and pass out the tract.
Having boldness in witnessing has been something I’ve been really learning over the course of this year. Going to downtown Chicago and passing out 100 tracts was terrifying yet SO fulfilling. I imagined the Apostle Paul and how much trial and persecution he got for sharing the gospel. It isn’t hard to hand out some tracts, or give them to the lady at the checkout line. I’ve left the store with the tract still in my hand and was just devastated because it’s something SO simple I could’ve done to share Christ. Being bold ambassadors for Christ is my main job as a Christian, so I’ve learned that I can’t let myself get scared.

7. Dorm rooms, although small, are VERY hard to keep clean.
I never had to clean my room at home because I never got it dirty. Keeping my dorm room clean is HARD. With such a busy schedule, it’s easy to throw my pj’s on the ground and run out of my room in the morning with my bed unmade. Sweeping and dusting are weekly jobs, and three articles of clothing on the ground make it look like your closet threw up. I try to put something away right after I’m done using it and that’s kinda my trick to always having it clean. BUT it is hard, and does require some effort.

8. Go to council.
As a freshman, I've had lots of big decisions and confusing life changes. Listening to women who are older, love The Lord and are experienced has truly helped me grow. A lot of people don’t want to go to people older than them because they think they’ll get “old fashioned” advice, or be told things they just simply don’t want to hear. Yeah, sometimes I’ve had to be told some brutal truths, but these are people that care about me and my walk with the Lord. Talking to my council about my problems and trials in life has really gave me some clarity when otherwise I might have none. Being totally honest and open with these few ladies has truly gotten me through some dark days, and it’s one of the most important things I’ve come to learn.

9. Be friendly to everyone.
People have bad days. Showing them love when they're being unlovable is what true love Jesus style is. If your best friend made you upset, forgive her. She's God’s daughter too. Show grace and mercy all the time. Do kind things for others - if you see someone's garbage by their door in their dorm  waiting to go out, take it out for them. If the floor in the hall is full of dust bunnies, pick them up. Do small things because they do make a difference. Even if people don't see what you're doing, God does. It’s the key to really enjoying the dorm life - don’t get bothered by little things.

10. The last and most important thing that I learned my freshman year of college is: Jesus is the true best friend who CAN NOT be unfaithful.
People will fail you. You're going to get hurt and you're going to feel betrayed at some point. But we have a best friend who longs to have a personal relationship with us. Allow your heart, soul and mind to be in complete harmony with the Lord. He is there on the darkest nights and longs to be the source of your joy on the best days. There were nights this last year that I felt like I didn’t have anyone in the world to talk to, that my family misunderstood...but that’s when I realize the importance of my friendship with the Lord. Psalm 139:17-18 are two verses that I absolutely love and they say, “How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, o God, how great is the sum of them. If I should count them, they are more in number than the sand, when I am awake, I am still with thee.” I know that I have someone who does understand me and can be there when I’m hurting. It’s impossible for Him to fail me.

So there you have it. These are the main things I feel God has taught me over these last many months. I'm so excited to see what the next 3 years hold for me as I continue my schooling in Christian Music Education and Biblical Studies! Thanks for reading. :)

Hey guys, I’m Katie! I am the blogger behind The Simple Southport Pearl. This year was also the first year of college for me, but my experiences were very different than Emilie’s. She seems to be rockin’ college!

A little bit of background, I decided to go to a secular community college that is about 40 minutes away. I lived at home and worked about 20 hours a week. It was quite the experience to say the least, and I learned a ton. So, without any more of my babbling, here are ten things that I learned during my first year of college.

  1. God puts you places for a reason and a purpose. I’m not going to lie. This year has been extremely hard, and I struggle every day going to the college that I do. The first semester I found myself angry with the world because things didn’t go my way. I was at a school that I strongly dislike, I had no friends, no time, and I felt unhappy all the time. (Being unhappy every day was new and foreign to me because I am naturally a very optimistic person.) I didn’t see the bigger picture. It was only after my parents explained to me that I was there for a reason that things began to turn around. (Parents save the day once again! Cherish them guys they are LIFE SAVERS.) Things had been provided for me to go there and it was where God wanted me. Because I ended up there, I am now going to graduate with my associates this summer and will be transferring to the University of Northern Iowa in the fall, as a Junior. I’m also debt free, and have had the ability to work and save more money. I’ve had the opportunity to fall in love with my church even more, and have gotten involved with Cubbies through the AWANA program. I love those children like they are my own!  Had I not gone to my community college first, though, none of that would have happened. Trust God. He sees the big picture while we, obviously, do not.

  1. Having a job in college is wonderful. You may not see it that way, but trust me, it’s a blessing. It teaches you time management and to have a good work ethic. It also keeps you out of trouble...if you know what I mean.

  1. Fresh starts are amazing. Going to college is a whole new fresh start, so take advantage of it! No one knows the horrible things of the past and people can see you for what you really are. The key to the fresh start though is making it count. The fresh start is good, but keep in mind that it can go downhill real quick. The best advice I can give is to be smart and don’t do dumb things. I’m sure you can define dumb things by yourself. ;)

  1. Make time. Things won’t get done unless you make time. This year I have had little to no time at all. I go to school, I go to work, I do homework, I go to church, I eat, and sleep when I get the chance. If you want to do something, plan it. If you don’t, it will simply be a miracle if it actually gets done. Lists have been my bestie this year.

  1. Learn to be a morning person. I assure you, it is extremely possible, even for a college student, and dare I say it… WITHOUT COFFEE. My first semester I worked at 6am and on off days I had class at 8am. This meant getting up at 4, to be ready by 5 so I could have a half hour of peace during breakfast before I had to leave at 5:30. People called me insane but guess what, I learned to love it. That doesn’t mean I love getting up at 4am everyday (I’m not that crazy ha!) but I have learned to like mornings and it taught me discipline. I’m sure we can all use a little more of that.

  1. Learn to stand your ground. Going to a secular school, especially the one I am at, it seems like everyone and their dog disagrees with you, and are more than willing to throw negativity your way. First off, you have to learn to suck it up and take it. (I know, such lovely advice huh?) Secondly, know what you believe and why you believe it. People are going to challenge you and you have to know your stuff. Yes, it’s going to suck. It doesn’t give you warm and fuzzy feelings to be made fun of or called horrible things, but it’s life. I hate to break it to you, but it’s not going to get any easier any time soon. BUT IT’S OKAY! Haters gonna hate right? Embrace the hate, learn your stuff, and shake it off. ;)

  1. LEARN TO BE INDEPENDENT. I know what you’re thinking. This girl lived at home so what the heck does she know about independence? Well, you’re right. I still have a lot to learn in this department and I’m sure my head will be spinning once I get up to UNI and my parents drive off into the sunset. But, lemme tell ya, independence is wonderful and freeing, no matter what amount you have. One thing I have gained from my year of making a whopping zero friends at school is independence. Learn to appreciate your loved ones and friends outside of school. Learn to be confident in who you are through Christ. He is your best friend, people. Learn to do things on your own, and take responsibility for yourself. Oh, and make your bed. Your mothers will be so proud! :)

  1. Learn to forgive. Like your fresh start, let others have that as well. Forgive those who have wronged you. Sometimes, it is the hardest thing in the world, and it just doesn’t seem right; but it is. Keeping anger bottled up does nothing and is poisonous to your life. Learn to forgive. Christ forgave us for every stupid, mean, horrendous thing we have ever done, and will ever do. If He can do that, we should too.

  1. Don’t party. Just don’t. I can honestly say I have made it this far into my freshman year and I have not gone to a party. I have NO desire whatsoever to go to one either. Don’t be that person. Invest your time into things that last and don’t make you feel like death the next morning. For example, getting involved in your church. I have worked with the AWANA kids this year, and I’m pretty sure the kids have taught me more than I have taught them. I also make a killer line leader.

  1. Make the most of it. While school is still a sore subject for me many days, I have come to realize that I will most likely laugh at it later. Push through and get ‘er done! Find where your passions lie and listen for what God wants for you. If there is one thing I have learned this year it’s that God has a plan that is far greater than what we could ever imagine, or even attempt to plan ourselves. Have fun. Do crazy, exciting, weird, and spontaneous things. Do good. Work hard. Be KIND. Have courage. Find that true happiness lies with Christ, and learn to trust Him more.
  2. Wait, 11? I thought only 10...well surprise guys! I have an eleventh. Partially because I just thought of this, and partially because it drives the OCD people of the world crazy when bloggers end on an odd number. I may or may not be one of those people... Anyways, learn to appreciate differences. I used to think that “good” people fit in a box. They acted, dressed, talked, etc. all a certain way. If they didn’t fit in this imaginary box I had in my head, then they must not be a “good” person, or a Christian, or whatever you fill in the blank. My lanta, did God teach me a lesson. Throughout this year, I have learned that not only can you not put people in a box, but you also can’t put God in a box. God made people special in their own unique way. Just because they aren’t like you, doesn’t mean that they aren’t “good”. (I know this sounds absolutely horrible, but I can’t find another way to put it. Please forgive me.) God gave people unique talents, abilities, passions, and gifts. It is terrible of me to write someone off just because they are differently from me. Moral of the story is that you should love people and see differences as blessings. Besides, how boring would it be if everyone was the exact same way?

So, there are just ten (or eleven ;)) things that I learned my first year of college. I would love to hear what you all thought of them, and if you could relate! Also, a big thanks to Emilie for inviting me to her lovely blog, and letting my thoughts run wild! :)

Thanks so much for reading!
Stay excellent,

Saturday, April 18, 2015

The Opposite of Love is Self-Love



     As a society today, we hear over and over again the importance of "self-love." One source defines self love as: A regard for one's own well-being and happiness. Regard means to have attention of concerned for something. That means that self love is having attention for yourself and your own happiness. Now I do think that it is important to view ourselves as masterpieces of our Lord. Our creator crafted us with His perfect and tender hands and therefore we are beautiful creations in Him. BUT recognizing who you are in Christ and focusing on loving yourself and caring for your own happiness, are two totally different things.
     The Biblical definition of love is: Giving of yourself willingly and sacrificially for the benefit of others WITHOUT any thought of return.
When we give of ourselves to others, that doesn't leave us with much time to focus on our own well being.    
     Here are a few of the MANY Bible verses that talk about love.

  • John 13:34-35 - A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.  
  • John 15:13 - Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.
  • Luke 6:35 - But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest: for he is kind unto the unthankful and [to] the evil.
  • 1 John 4:7-8 - Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.
These are just a few of the vast amount of verses on love that are in God's word. These two things are important to remember about love.

God is love.

     If God is not in it, it is not true love. We don't love because of a flittery emotion, love is never led by emotion. The world's definition of love is: an intense feeling of deep affection. Affection means a gentle feeling of fondness or liking. Jeremiah makes it VERY clear that our hearts are evil and desperately wicked. We aren't to be led by our "feelings." True love, as I mentioned before, is sacrificially giving of yourself WILLINGLY. If you are doing it because you want something in return or you want people to notice you, then it's not real love. If you're loving because you have to, then it's not real. It's important that we follow what GOD says is love, not the world.

The Greatest Example of Love is Jesus Christ.

     A lot of people accredit movies like The Notebook or P.S. I Love You for showing us a "beautiful" definition of love. I'm sorry, but neither of those represent it in a very good way. We have the greatest example of love known to all man kind. Jesus Christ and what He did for us on the cross shows us love unmatchless, love we can't comprehend. Love took 39 lashes of whips filled with glass and metals that tore His skin apart, Love endured a beard being pulled out of His face and a crown of thorns gouged into His head. LOVE had thick nails pounded into His hands and feet, and Love hung as perfection between two thieves. THAT is our standard of true love. 
     Do we ever see Jesus emphasising the importance of loving Himself or caring about His own happiness? Do we see Jesus take constant time to care about His well-being? No. Do I think some "me" time is needed every once in awhile? Absolutely. Jesus had His alone time with the Father. We need some quiet time to ourselves, it's important. But this "self-love" fad is doing nothing but destroying everything that love truly is. Remember this: True love is when a man wipes your tears, even after we left Him hanging on a cross for our sins. Are you willing to love like Jesus loves?
Stay excellent!

Thursday, April 16, 2015

What To Do When You Don't Know What To Do

I think most if not all of us have been there. Maybe you're there right now. That moment in life where absolutely nothing seems to be happening - you're kind of at a stand still. For some, it's relaxing. They can enjoy the time of rest... No big decisions, no important responsibility, they can enjoy the extra free time to focus on God and bask in His presence. They can be still. For others, it can be discouraging. It can feel like there's nothing to strive for, that each day is the same old, same old. Well, whether you're enjoying the time or despising it, here are 4 things you can do when you don't know what to do. 
     1. Wait on The Lord
One of my favourite verses is Psalm 27:14 which says, "Wait on the Lord, be of good courage and He shall strengthen thy heart. Wait, I say, on the Lord." When you're in that time where you don't really know where to go, don't try to figure it out on your own. If God wanted us to plot out our own life, He wouldn't have told us in Isaiah that our thoughts aren't His thoughts and neither are our ways His ways. A preacher I heard once said, "God wants you to get where God wants you to go more than you want to get where God wants you to go." That means that He wants His plan for our life to be successful and bring us joy and Him glory. So wait on Him. 
     2. Do the Will of God TODAY 
I was once told, "the will of God is what you do today." It's what you do from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to bed. We know from Micah 6:8 what the Lord requires of us: "He hath shown thee, O man, what is good: and what doth the Lord require if thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God." So that's the will of God for you today. Act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with your God. Don't worry about what the future holds, just follow the One who holds the future. His will WILL be manifested in your life as you walk with Him each day.
     3. Let God Speak To You
God speaks to us through daily reading His word. Just as our bodies let us know when we are hungry or thirsting, our hearts let us know that it's desiring the work of God. It shouldn't be our cake for special occasions but our bread for daily nutrition. Don't sporatically read your Bible, don't give God your left over time. Let God daily penetrate your heart with teachings from His love letter to you. There is so much sustenance in the Bible and He wants us to glean and grow from it. Let God speak to you, especially during those times in your life that seem to be at a stand still. He will teach you much when you dedicate that time to Him. 
     4. GO TO BED. 
It's a common phrase here that 99% spirituality comes from good sleep. I'm not sure if that's all the way accurate but it makes a good point. Don't stay up late worrying about your future or doing things that can wait until morning. Lack of sleep makes one moody, depressed, and sometimes just downright unpleasant to be around. To effectively carry out the first 3 steps, a good night's sleep is vital! Sure I have my days I stay up till 1 am and get up at 7am, and I'm exhausted. But I try not to make a habit of it. God wants our full heart and our full mind, and if we left our mind is left on our pillows, it'll be hard to give that to Him. 

I hope these things will encourage you if or when you're at a point in life that you don't quite know what to do. Remember to constantly trust your unknown future to an all knowing God. 
Stay excellent!

Monday, April 13, 2015

What is Your Anchor?

    Anchors seem to be a pretty popular symbol in today's society. They are seen all over the place, including my own blog. My question to you today is, what is your anchor? An anchor is a heavy object attatched to a rope and is used to moor a vessel to the sea bottom. An anchor is something that keeps you grounded, that holds you down, that keeps your feet on the ground when it feels like everything else in the world is being sucked up. 
   Basically, an anchor is what you depend on - your constant. Maybe it's your boyfriend or girlfriend, or maybe it's your family. Maybe it's your best friend or maybe it's your job. But the thing is, these anchors aren't always positive. Sometimes something negative could be holding you down, keeping you grounded when what you need to do is float away into the current and let God steer the ship. Maybe then your anchor is fear, worry, grief, insecurity, judgemental feelings, bitterness, inability to forgive, and the list goes on and on. There are a plethora of things that could be weighing you down, keeping you anchored when what you really need to do is sail.
    Hebrews 6:19 says, "Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast, and which entereth into that within the viel."  In the context here of Hebrews 6, the author is writing a warning to discouraged believers. He is urging them to continue in their spiritual strength and stature. In verse 19, they are given a reminder that the GOSPEL should be their anchor. The hope that we have in Jesus Christ, our eternal salvation, that's what anchors us down, keeps us grounded, reminds us who we are when everything around us seems to be so confusing. 
    One author puts it like this, "We are in this world as a ship at sea, liable to be tossed up and down, and in danger of being cast away. Our souls are the vessels. The comforts, expectations, graces, and happiness of our souls are the precious cargo with which these vessels are loaded. Heaven is the harbour to which we sail. The temptations, persecutions, and afflictions that we encounter, are the winds and waves that threaten our shipwreck." We need to be CONSTANTLY anchoring our souls in our hope found in Jesus Christ. It's not necessarily a bad thing to depend on your significant other or your family or best friend or whatever the case may be, but remember that the CONSTNANT anchor for your soul is JESUS. The GOSPEL. The HOPE that can be found in who we are in Christ.
Life's roughest storms prove the strength of our anchors. So I ask you again, what is yours?

Stay excellent! 

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Magnify My Heart

     I recently went to Bed, Bath & Beyond with one of my best friends. We went down the aisle that was full of those mirrors, you know, the ones that magnify up to like 50x or something. I looked into one that was maybe 15x when I looked at my friend and said, "Why on earth didn't you tell me I had something on my face?!" She replied that she hadn't even seen it. I hate looking into those mirrors that magnify my face so closely, because then I see all those little imperfections that weren't noticeably when I was getting ready in the morning. Those teeny tiny blackheads didn't seem so teeny tiny anymore! And talk about red splotches!
     Then, just yesterday, I was talking to one of the most amazing women in the Lord I have ever met. We were talking about how God sometimes has to let things happen in our lives for us to see all the areas we need to change. I was then reminded of that 15x mirror. Sometimes, when I'm getting ready in the morning, I may not notice all those imperfections and blackheads sitting on the skin of my heart, but just because nobody can see them, doesn't mean they're not there. I then realized this...I want God to magnify my heart. I want Him to show me all those areas that are really gross when you get a closer look. Maybe I have the blemish of pride, greed or bitterness. Whatever it is, I need to daily ask Him to pull out that mirror and show me what I need to fix.

    Here are the 3 main things God has taught me as I ask Him to magnify my heart:

1.) Just because it's a little blemish does NOT mean it isn't a big problem.

     Just like that blackhead on your nose that may not be noticeable without that close up mirror, a little blackhead on your heart can be just as gross. If we don't daily cleanse our faces, they would end up being pretty gross, and those blackheads could become even more nasty. What if God let our heart's condition show outwardly on our face? How clean and clear would it really look? 

2.) A good way to cleanse your heart is through daily reading God's word.

     Honestly, the Bible is basically a magic eraser or a Mr. Clean Scrubber. Reading God's love letter to us is such a good way for us to know what we need to be working on and what areas need more scrubbing. Maybe there's a spot in your life that has some really old dirt and grime, which will take a lot more time and effort to scrub off than something that could only need an easy rinse. It's so much easier to clean our hearts daily! Imagine that you eat a bowl of Ramen (I choose this because it's always the hardest to clean after leaving out for a day or two!) and you put it in the sink and forget about it for a day. The next day, when you go to clean it, all those tiny little noodles are stuck to the bowl, and it requires a lot more effort to get that bowl clean. It is the same thing with our hearts! If we clean it multiple times a day, it doesn't take as much effort! 

3.) You feel a lot better on the outside when you're pretty on the inside.

     We all know that true beauty should come from the inside, although that seems to be a principle that is sometimes thrown by the wayside. But it's so important! If you have a clean, cleansed heart that has had it's time with God through His word and prayer, you're going to feel a lot more beautiful on the outside. God wants His instruments to be tuned and shined each day so that they can perform to their full potential. Allow God to clean and shine you so that you can be used as effectively as possible for His honor and glory!

So there you have it. I challenge you, daily ask God to be magnifying your heart and to show you those areas that you need to cleanse and purify. Continue asking yourself this: Am I taking as much time cleaning and perfecting my heart as I am with my face or body? Doesn't God deserve our best?

Stay excellent!